Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Central Iran

Today (Friday 13th) we have had a long journey to Kerman in central Iran and the temperature is hot, hot, hot!

The past few days have been eventful. On Tuesday (10th June) we spent hours at the Pakistan embassy in Tehran trying to sort out our visas. Wednesday to Esfahan where we visited the Blue Mosque (Imam Mosque) which was stunning, and the Lady Mosque (Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque), reputedly the most beautiful mosque in the world. Thursday saw one of our number taken to hospital with a broken arm after a nasty fall on one of the bridges in Esfahan. She is being well looked after and will be going home after an operation today (Friday). Hopefully she will rejoin us on the journey.

Thursday we also went to Yazd and the bus flew over a speed bump while looking for a petrol stop, we really did fly! Once the bus was checked we found petrol and managed to fill up with 247.6 litres at 165 Rials a litre. The total being 40,854 Rials. Sounds a lot but in sterling only just under two pounds fifty! How's that for value?

My toe is also doing well, and we have decided that there is a problem period for us between 12 noon on a Wednesday and 12 noon on a Thursday as all our accidents have happened between those hours! Two lost toe nails (including mine), a nasty cut finger and now a broken arm. So far we have managed one hospital visit a week, one in Bulgaria, two in Turkey and one in Iran.


chris said...

Please keep posting your news and take care we want you back home safe and sound.


Anonymous said...

Hello Martin, can't believe I am not part of the trip now. Arm is giving me gyp but Dr says Iran did a good job. Please send love to all and wish Marshall a darn good 21st. If I know the date I will hold a party for him on the farm.
Keep blogging although it saddens me.
Robina x