Sunday, 4 May 2008

Strensall Vicar World Tour

Following this week's press publicity, people have been asking all sorts of questions about my trip and also commenting about how they would feel riding on a bus from England to Australia. Some said they would love it whilst others were more guarded. (They would hate it!)
The funniest thing to happen this week was the bill board outside the local Tesco Store. It read "Strensall Vicar World Tour". I could have died when I saw it! It made me sound like Brian Adams or Take That!
On the down side my tent is too small!! Either that or I am too big! I bought my tent in January (in the sales), but only managed to erect it yesterday. I could hardly get myself into it, yet alone my back pack and sleeping equipment as well! I purposely bought a two person tent as I though it would be enough room for one. (I was also concerned about the weight). This week is going to be interesting then, as I need to get a tent sorted out pretty quickly. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. As I have now got the knack of publishing photographs with my blog I also include a picture of Katie and Sarah with this one!

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