Saturday, 24 May 2008

Off and running

The first part of this great journey started on Sunday by me being late for the bus. I should have been there for 7am, but at 7:15 I was the last to arrive. Left London at 7:30 for Bruges and had a great first night at a hostel. Monday included an evening bike ride round the city.

Tuesday morning was an early start for Heidelberg. And the first camping!! We had one night there and the city was truly amazing.

Then to the Czech Republic and Prague and for two nights, but the weather was poor for camping. It’s a great city with huge history and a wonderful place to get lost in the architecture.

Yesterday we travelled to Vienna and camping for another two nights. Explored the city today, more amazing sights and churches galore! Tonight we’re off to a beer garden for a meal.

We have now been through Western Europe, tomorrow to Hungary and Eastern Europe.

I have been allocated work on the cooking team, not poisoned anyone yet.

The group dynamics are really interesting as we are a very mixed bunch - Australians, Spanish, Irish, French, British and two from Hong Kong. So far we have all been trying to find our places.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great start, even with the rainy days! Keep drinking it all in, and take loads of photos and write notes to go with them so you will remember it all.
God bless you, Lois (strensall)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are enjoying the experience Martin - take care - Judith and Mike x